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How to play your Video Critiques (Mac Users)

Detailed instructions on how to play your video critiques
1. We recommend downloading your critiques using the free web browser Google Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/
2. Using Google Chrome, in your Teacher’s Express Lane account, under the Judge Critiques section, click “DOWNLOAD VIDEO CRITIQUES”
3. Once the download is complete, download VLC player at https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html (click “Download VLC” button)
4. Once the download is complete, go to your Downloads folder and double click “vlc.dmg” (the VLC program you just downloaded)
5. Drag VLC to Applications folder
6. Open your Applications folder
7. Double click VLC and click Open
8. Drag your judge critique zip file from the Downloads folder to VLC media player. Your video critiques should start playing.
9. Click the 3 lines at the bottom of the player to switch videos.


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